My first impression was the wild outburst of people, swamping in like bees, the cab driver said “have fun and be safe out there” well, with a lot of police presence, safety definitely is guaranteed.

But let me take the story back a little bit and delve into what used to be entertainment for many black ancestors who were held captives back in the day.
They would gather at the Congo square and here, they will play their drums, sing, dance and let their hair down and forget about their worries until sundown.
Good thing here on Bourbon street is that, the fun begins mostly at sun down with people from many walks of life coming to share in the spirit of oneness and experience the soul and heart of New Orleans.

Voodoo that has been demonized by it’s own is a tourist attraction on these streets, a different funk, a completely authentic vibe that showcases the soul of this community rich in music with blues and jazz playing all over. It reminded me a bit about Amsterdam at night.

This street is an avenue to showcase talent and earn a few to supplement everyday hustle and bustle. Everything is alive again after a shut down. Next time you are in the area, do not miss Bourbon street
Looks like a good time. Love u paa
It sure was, love you too. 🙂