32 Hours in Nzulezu

Nzulezu, A heart of gold community on Stilt

I have come to the conclusion that to appreciate any tourist site, a few hours isn’t enough, so at least, an overnight stay would be most ideal. I had travelled from the Agona district of Ghana to explore Nzulezu, the community on stilt and located on the Amanzuri river. Agona however, was my tourist quarters from where I planned my exploration of the treasures of the west.

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A Jolly welcome from community member

The introduction to the village was the best entry ever with the serenading tour guide, paddling along. The one hour canoe gentle ride, allowed me the peace, and quiet to appreciate the aqua life in this environment and to watch the birds play and feed. I planned to spend the night, so that I would have the privilege of capturing the sunset, and the sunrise in the morning. Not feeling like a tourist and quickly blending in with the locals was necessary if my purpose of having a great experience would be achieved.

The community is quite protective of its own, partly because, they receive too many visitors as their privacy is invaded on a daily basis because of their environment being a tour attraction; but warms up to outsiders once they can tell their intentions. For me, I found a way in through the lady I met at the bank of the river and the children in the community.

Finding a way to bond with the locals, usually come in handy especially, if your intention is to learn more about the community within the shortest possible time.

Bank of the Amanzuri enroute Nzulezu, 2018

My traveling gear usually breaks the ice as many are keen to know what I have in my back pack as was also asked by the young lady.

Aqua life on the Amanzuri

All over Ghana, people are nice and on this journey, I was welcomed with a lot of warmth and kindness.

Engaging with children of Nzulezu

The community has about 500 active members ranging from children to adults. Life for most people will be  lived in this community of stilt until old age, when the elderly relocated to another community still in reach from the village. Since the community has lived here, nobody has had any casualties from the river apart from natural causes of death. 

Couple head to town to ran errands.

Living in community is best seen here in this village of different families, yet together as one big family, each looking out for another. Evening time and you would have community members come out of their rooms and sit in the pathways to have long conversations until  sleep time.

Play time on stilt

I had the most amazing time engaging with the community members an even fostering long lasting relationship with some. Abigail, a community teacher, had invited me to dinner and had prepared my favorite yam and palaver sauce.

Nzulezu Community

Water Lily

Day breaks in Nzulezu at 5am, the night in my lodge was very breezy with strong winds that seemed to move the shelters. Looking from my window, I watched as the young folks prepared for school while some elderly folks were already in their canoes about to leave for the small towns.

Day break, grandma heads to town

Early morning dip before school
Nature paints, Nzulezu day break

Primary occupation is fishing and farming. The people here live a super rich and priceless lifestyle of having the luxury of the scenery, swimming at will and living in a community that cares for each other. 

Young men fishing on the Amanzuri, 2018
Traditional fish traps
Lady returns home after work in town

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