Back in the day, I had complained vehemently about my experience riding a greyhound bus and had vowed not to get on one again. This perception was going to change when I booked a ticket from Asheville to Atlanta. All was calm when the announcement was made for our first transfer to Knoxville. At 1610, we were on our way and by 1800 had arrived at Knoxville with only an hour wait time and we were on our way on schedule to Atlanta.
This was all nice and smooth and it was same the last time I rode a greyhound to Grenville, South Carolina.

So let me back up the story to the winter of February 2018, it had snowed for a few days and there was a terrible accident that got train and bus schedules cancelled which caused a big commotion. Well, I had booked my ticket at the time, so you can imagine the chaos I was in. However, the challenge was managed quite well, now that I am giving it the consideration it deserves.
I remember with fondness, a greyhound staff in Fayetteville who although I got into a little argument with because of the irresponsibility of one of her colleagues who didn’t announce the bus schedule and got a few of us stuck at the terminal because our designated bus had left without us; she was kind to arrange food and drinks for as many people that were caught stranded and promised to put us on the noon bus. I think it was at this time she turned me into a repeat customer.
Let me not bore you with too much of my experience and share with you what you can possibly do when traveling via bus.
1. Get your ear plugs and have a selection of music or audios you like
To be mindful and respectful of others on the bus, you may want to consider getting headsets as not everyone likes the stuff you like. Noting that we all come from different backgrounds. Usually, the bus driver would make the announcement to remind passengers to use their headsets, but in any society, there are deviants who may not oblige, in case you meet such individuals, a headset would be ideal to disengage.
2. Read a Book
Catching up on a book that you love but haven’t had time for would be a great way to while away the time while you are on the journey
3. Enjoy the view
For most people like me that like to capture sights, coming along with your camera can be useful as you can engage it to capture some stunning and amazing moments.
4. Carry some snacks
Sometimes, you are lucky to find snacks you want at designated bus stops, other times you are not, so would be great to pack a few prior to your journey.
5. Sleep
Yes, sleeping can also help you relax if you don’t have enough of it. A four hour bus ride can do you a lot of good.